PAIN - According to the Huffington Post, 40-70 percent of women have experienced some sort of menstruation pain. Whether it be bloating, um comfortableness, cramps, swollen and tender breasts, or pain in the back, these sores are usually associated to the menstruation cycle.
EMOTION - The term PMS has been linked to the Premenstrual syndrome (occurring only during the luteal phase). The three most prominent symptoms are irritability tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness). Common emotional symptoms also include stress, anxiety, insomnia, headache, fatigue, mood swings, and increased emotional sensitivity.
FOOD - Below is a list of do's and don'ts of food to eat while on your period:
Do's Don'ts
Fruits Caffeine
GreenVegetables Too much salt
Dark Chocolate Spicy foods
Water Greasy foods
Beans Oily foods
Tofu Sweets
Peanuts Alcohal
Whole Grains

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