A fashion trend I'm starting to see more of now a days are the trendy bralettes. Now if you're anything like me and is a little self conscious about your middle torso region, my first thought would be "cute, but probably not for me." The short midriff action doesn't look particularly good on a girl of my shape (at least I don't think so). If you're tall and skinny and have a flat belly then sure. But I am far from that. So, how does one of my body figure pull off such a cute look? Look no further than to Lexi Demos a blogger and fasion contributer at oBaz. She writes about wearing a bralette without showing too much or in her words "giving it all away". Here are a few inspirational styles you could use without baring too much.
honest talk about real life experiences and reviews including food, baby stuff, style, health, and life.
BEAUTY - Face moisturizing creme
Today, I'm writing about my all time favorite face moisturizer. After several failed attempts of trying face moisturizers, I've finally found the one product that doesn't make me break out, lasts all day, and doesn't feel greasy or like I have goo on my face. Ole Henriksen has been known to be a more natural brand and this particular brand can generally only be found at Sephora (at least in Hawaii that is). It's definitely on the more expensive side of facial moisturizers but the benefits and outcomes are definitely worth it. I've been using this moisturizer for over a year now and I will not go back to any other brand.
One thing I love about Sephora is that they let you take home little sample sizes before dishing out the money for it. Other moisturizers left my skin feeling greasy and I would break out. Since I was a kid I've always very sensitive skin especially on my face. This product lasts all day and I only re-apply after a bath or when I wash my face. The only downside to this particular product is that it does not have SPF. Ole Henriksen sells another product that is backed by the Skin Cancer Foundation. The truth revealed super creme SPF 15 goes for a whopping $55.00 through the Ole Henriksen and Sephora websites. I assume you could put the truh revealed cream on first, then add in the nurture me creme as a second layer.
Here are the active ingredients for Nurture Me Creme
Dimethicone Hydrates and binds moisture to the skin
Evening primrose oil Calms, softens and soothes the skin
Chamomile extract Improves health of skin with essential fatty acids gamma linolenic acid and linoleic acid
Vitamins A and C Nourishes and protects with vitamin E
Wheat germ oil Regenerates and repairs with powerful antioxidants
face cream,
ole henrikson,
LIFE - Embrace the season you're in
One thing I've learned over the years is that we go through seasons. There are times in life where everything is fine and you couldn't be happier. It's like a nice summer day: the sun is out shining, the wind is blowing, and you're sitting under a nice shaded tree staring at the ocean. And other times, it's a dreadful winter: the rain is pouring, it's windy out, you forgot your purse and all your belongings (including your umbrella) in the car, and you're stuck outside because you've locked yourself out and there is no place to take cover. Whoa, how many of us have been there before? When we go through the dreadful winter time in our lives, it's easy to wish we weren't going through it. It's easy to pray and ask God to take it away and want to see the sunny skies again. But what if God were trying to teach us something in that dreadful winter? Situations such as death, a break-up, a loss of connection, or even a bad day cause this dreadful season. When this happens, I've come up with a process that's worked for me.
COPE - Realize the situation you're in and be in the moment. Allow yourself to fully understand what's going on and let your emotions come out. Take breaks from the situation occasionally but know that it's still there.
DEAL - Now that you've realized what's going on, create an action plan. Are you going to just sit there and allow time to pass? Are you going to share your feelings with close ones? Actively and consciously do something about the situation. Hint: when other people are involved, it makes it easier when you're upfront with them on how you're dealing with the situation. I like to be left alone so I tell others around me just that. "I need to be left alone right now to deal with ..."
HEAL - Now that you've dealt or are dealing with it, know that it's going to take time to heal. Some situations may take longer than others but it's important to know that this is step continues on throughout the next step. Sometimes, people never completely heal and that's ok. Just allow time for this process and allow yourself to begin to heal.
MOVE FORWARD AND REFLECT - This step is two fold. The first is move forward and the second is reflect. Both are very important and should not be done without the other. Like I said in my last point, you may still be healing in this last step but now is the time you take healing into action. What are you going to do to move forward? Will it be moving on to another person? Or, no longer associating yourself with that person or people? Or something as simple as writing it down in a journal? Moving forward can come in a variety of ways and it's different for everyone.
Lastly, is to reflect. I think this is so important. Ask yourself, what did I learn from that situation? Or, what can I do next time to ensure that doesn't happen again? Reflection doesn't need to be long, it's just a simple set of questions that only you can answer.
Now, I know it's much easier to recall the dreadful seasons in our lives but what about the nice summer days? What about that time you had a family vacation and created those awesome memories? Or got a promotion at your job that included a pay raise? The four step process that was used for the dreadful season can also occur in your happier season as well. I would break that down into the following:
COPE - Realize the situation you're in and be in the moment. It's ok to think good thoughts sometimes and be happy.
DEAL - Are you going to celebrate or share how you're feeling with others?
HEAL - Use this situation as a stepping stone to move through your dreadful season. Actively and consciously remind yourself that you're life isn't entirely bad.
MOVE FORWARD AND REFLECT - These moments to lasts forever but take this moment to sustain you to the next moment. Also, it's not a bad thing to reflect on this moment as well and ask yourself those same type of questions that only you can answer.
Whatever season you're in, embrace it, and know that just as the seasons change throughout the year, so will your life seasons.
Hawaii definitely has one of the best weather on the planet! During the summer it's never too hot and during the winter it's never too cold. Where else can you go swimming in the ocean or tan on the beach in the middle of December when it's considered Winter?! This past week we've been having phenomenal weather conditions. Granted, the trade winds were gone and we've been having what we call "Kona Winds" and the temperatures are beginning to rise a tad bit, there isn't much more to complain about. It's been a pretty dry year as far as rain goes and although we've had some close calls with Mother Nature, we've been spared.
Because I work in an office all day I don't get the leisure of enjoying our weather as much as I wish I could, when I get off work the weather is still nice out and the sun is still shining so I can't really complain. Thank you God for allowing me to live in such a beautiful place. A place that people spend thousands of dollars to visit to escape the cold or enjoy the weather, and I get to enjoy it every day for free! Happy Aloha Friday everyone and have a great Memorial Day weekend!
STYLE - House Plants
As I get older, nothing excites me more than buying things to decorate the house or a new household appliance. Don't get me wrong, I still love to shop for clothes, shoes, accessories, and handbags, but lately, my trips to TJ Max and Ross have been for household gadgets. I find that many of my friends are in the same boat and thought this article prepared by Live in the Now would be put to good use. Living in a rented apartment, you're limited to the kind of decorations you hang on the walls or adjust to the structure of the place. That's where plants come in. Plants allow you to exercise your domesticated self and it's not a permanent fixture.
In the article, NASA provides good insight to the natural air purifiers and improve air quality. Do you have any of these plants in your home? Maybe this is something to consider when purchasing your next plant or home decor. Happy reading!
In the article, NASA provides good insight to the natural air purifiers and improve air quality. Do you have any of these plants in your home? Maybe this is something to consider when purchasing your next plant or home decor. Happy reading!
1. Bamboo Palm: According to NASA, it removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.
2. Snake Plant: Found by NASA to absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.
4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants NASA deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.
5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also known to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.
6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.
air purifier,
home decor,
Honolulu Night Market
Last weekend I attended the Honolulu Night Market. It was my first time there and I was really excited to see what it's all about. It's a once a month event held near downtown Honolulu in more of the artsy district of Kaka'ako. I've been to the area before but never really took the time to walk through the warehouses and see all the murals and shops that are there. When we first got there, I noticed the huge crowd that was cramped into the blocked off road. As you enter, there are artists and food trucks/tents on the left and to the right there are shops. It was like a pack of sardines trying to weave through people that were in line to get food. The food was a smaller scale of eat the street and the typical food vendors. We tried the chicken and pork skewers and Thai iced tea from a Thai restaurant and the sweet and savory malasadas.

Towards the back from the entrance there was a little area set up for people who wanted to sit and sketch. It appeared to be some sort of life sized birds nest (at least that's what I interpreted it as). I thought it was such a cool concept and I know a lot of hard work must have gone in to set it up. For $5 you were given a sketch pad and people sat around and sketched what they saw. It was so neat!
Later that night in another warehouse was a bunch of pop up boutique shops. Some people sold hand crafted items, some local boutiques sold their items, and others sold gently used items. I love going to these types of things... it's like finding treasure! I'm really into the whole one of a kind crafts and boutique clothing so as you can guess... we spent a lot of time here.
Overall, it was a good event. I wish I had taken more pictures but with the amount of people there and caring for Ewok who sat in my bag all night, it wasn't the first thing on my mind. I highly encourage people to who have never been to go. It's great to see all the people come out for a similar cause: TO SUPPORT ART.
birds nest,
night market,
LIFE - Mentorship
I have been very fortunate to come across some very influential people in my life. This one individual has known me since my graduate school days and one that I look up to not only professionally but personally. She exuberates all the characteristics I want to have: polite, witty, strong, educated, and great sense of style. This person has heard the complaints, the praises, the tears, and the laughter. She knows my struggles as a young professional and also knows what I've had to deal with in my personal life. To me, she has it all.
There are all kinds of mentors. There are spiritual mentors, a big brother/big sister type mentor, and even friends or parent's friends who can be mentors. I think mentorship is so valuable. Why can't more people be like this? Why can't there be more people who want to mentor our generation or just be a listening ear?
It took me a while to find her but the wait was totally worth it. After several months of searching high and low and getting the traditional "I would love to meet with you so I'll let you know when it's a good time" speech I finally fond someone whom I know is busy, whom I know would rather be tending to much more important things, but still makes the time to guide me and steer me in the right direction. Yes, we have our disagreements and no, I don't do everything she says but knowing that I have her here to help me process career decisions has meant the world to me. So to my mentor, THANK YOU!
LIFE - Ewok graduated
I'm one proud mama! Yesterday, Ewok had his graduation for completing Puppy Level 1 class at our local PetCo. It feels just like yesterday I wrote my blog post about his first class and now he's all done (almost). He technically has one more class to go but since they didn't know when they would be having a graduation ceremony again they let him participate. It was so cute to see all the puppies with their graduation handkerchiefs and doggie treat leis. I can't wait for his graduation photos to come in. But for now these will do. Yay Ewok!!!!
doggy treat,
One of my favorite things to do on the weekends is take a drive to the north shore of Oahu. It's such a different world out there from what I'm used to in town. I would have to say this is probably on the top of my list about living here. Not just Hawaii in general but Oahu specifically. I have my tall buildings, city life and when I want to get away it's just a short drive to someplace totally different. Life these past few months have been so crazy and hectic that I haven't had a chance to get to the north shore for a few months now. Here are some must do's and some old pictures of my north shore adventures. Enjoy and Happy Aloha Friday!
1. Stop by the Shrimp trucks. It's a definite MUST DO
1. Stop by the Shrimp trucks. It's a definite MUST DO
2. Check out the surf spots. Many of the surfing films that are shot here in Hawaii are on the north shore.
3. Taste the grilled corn, it's AMAZING!
4. East Shave Ice
5. Visit with the turtles
6. Support the stand up fruit stands on the side of the road
Ok, so a lot of it has to do with food but what mini road trip doesn't include food? These are just a few things that I get to experience on a weekly basis (when I have the time to) because I'm lucky I live Hawaii. What do you do when you visit the north shore? I'd love to hear about them!
north shore,
shrimp trucks,
BODY, FOOD, AND EXERCISE - Do's and Don'ts while on your period
The female body is an interesting one. Although we share many of the same structural similarities as our male counterparts, there's one thing that's definitely different than the male body... MENSTRUATION. If you're a male reading this, you may think to yourself "Ok I'm done reading this!" but wait a second, this post could actually be very beneficial for you to understand the life of a woman better and may even give you some brownie points with the women in your lives. Here's a few factoids and suggestions while on your mensie.
PAIN - According to the Huffington Post, 40-70 percent of women have experienced some sort of menstruation pain. Whether it be bloating, um comfortableness, cramps, swollen and tender breasts, or pain in the back, these sores are usually associated to the menstruation cycle.
EMOTION - The term PMS has been linked to the Premenstrual syndrome (occurring only during the luteal phase). The three most prominent symptoms are irritability tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness). Common emotional symptoms also include stress, anxiety, insomnia, headache, fatigue, mood swings, and increased emotional sensitivity.
FOOD - Below is a list of do's and don'ts of food to eat while on your period:
Do's Don'ts
Fruits Caffeine
GreenVegetables Too much salt
Dark Chocolate Spicy foods
Water Greasy foods
Beans Oily foods
Tofu Sweets
Peanuts Alcohal
Whole Grains
PAIN - According to the Huffington Post, 40-70 percent of women have experienced some sort of menstruation pain. Whether it be bloating, um comfortableness, cramps, swollen and tender breasts, or pain in the back, these sores are usually associated to the menstruation cycle.
EMOTION - The term PMS has been linked to the Premenstrual syndrome (occurring only during the luteal phase). The three most prominent symptoms are irritability tension, and dysphoria (unhappiness). Common emotional symptoms also include stress, anxiety, insomnia, headache, fatigue, mood swings, and increased emotional sensitivity.
FOOD - Below is a list of do's and don'ts of food to eat while on your period:
Do's Don'ts
Fruits Caffeine
GreenVegetables Too much salt
Dark Chocolate Spicy foods
Water Greasy foods
Beans Oily foods
Tofu Sweets
Peanuts Alcohal
Whole Grains

STYLE - Sunnies
Summer is just around the corner and one thing you definitely will need this summer is a good pair of sunglasses. Here's my round up of different sunglasses and styles.
Mirrored Sunglasses $9 Urban Outfitters
Gradient Sunglasses by Ray-Ban $190 at stylebop.com
Over-sized glasses by Gucci
Michael Kors
Tory Burch
eye ware,
michael kors,
tory burch,
urban outfitters
FOOD - Shrimp, turkey bacon, and mixed veggie pasta with lemon cream sauce RECIPE
Last night I experimented with a recipe and it turned out way better than expected. Don't you just love when that happens? Here is a super easy and tasty meal to make.
1/2 bag/box pasta
1/2 bunch Asparagus
1/2 bunch Spinach
1/2 carton Mushrooms
1 Tbs Butter
1 clove Garlic (minced)
3 Tbs Lemon juice
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/3 cup Whipping cream
1 cup Chicken broth
1 tsp Corn starch
1/2 pound Shrimp
4 slices of Turkey Bacon
Cut asparagus, mushrooms, and spinach to bite size pieces.
Cut turkey bacon into little pieces and fry until crispy.
In the same pan, saute shrimp in garlic and butter.
After bacon and shrimp are cooked, place in a small bowl
While bacon is being cooked, boil asparagus and mushrooms. Drain, then boil spinach.
Boil pasta as indicated on bag/box.
Combine broth and corn starch in a small bowl and mix until corn starch is dissolved.
In the same pan you cooked the bacon and shrimp, pour broth mixture, bring to a boil and stir frequently for about 1 min. or until thick.
Remove from heat and stir in cream, juice, salt, and pepper.
Add in bacon, shrimp, asparagus, and mushrooms.
Add in pasta and gently coat sauce, pasta, and vegetables together.
Plate your meal and add the spinach on top.
Serves 2
Prep and Cook time ~1 hr.
1/2 bag/box pasta
1/2 bunch Asparagus
1/2 bunch Spinach
1/2 carton Mushrooms
1 Tbs Butter
1 clove Garlic (minced)
3 Tbs Lemon juice
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/3 cup Whipping cream
1 cup Chicken broth
1 tsp Corn starch
1/2 pound Shrimp
4 slices of Turkey Bacon
Cut asparagus, mushrooms, and spinach to bite size pieces.
Cut turkey bacon into little pieces and fry until crispy.
In the same pan, saute shrimp in garlic and butter.
After bacon and shrimp are cooked, place in a small bowl
While bacon is being cooked, boil asparagus and mushrooms. Drain, then boil spinach.
Boil pasta as indicated on bag/box.
Combine broth and corn starch in a small bowl and mix until corn starch is dissolved.
In the same pan you cooked the bacon and shrimp, pour broth mixture, bring to a boil and stir frequently for about 1 min. or until thick.
Remove from heat and stir in cream, juice, salt, and pepper.
Add in bacon, shrimp, asparagus, and mushrooms.
Add in pasta and gently coat sauce, pasta, and vegetables together.
Plate your meal and add the spinach on top.
Serves 2
Prep and Cook time ~1 hr.
LIFE - The people who surround you
Do you have people in your life that make you so nervous you don't know how to act? Whenever you're around them you're afraid of saying the wrong thing or you say things that don't really make sense? What is it about those kinds of people that make us do that to ourselves? Are they not supposed to be in our lives? Or were they purposefully put their to help us to adapt, to grow, to challenge ourselves? So many questions and I don't know if we'll ever find the answers.
Everyone has two selfs. The first self is the self we feel most comfortable with. The one who can look crazy, act crazy, and has no filter. This is the transparent or true self. We usually put this self on when we're alone or around people we feel most comfortable with. Then, there's the other self. This self has feelings of insecurity, shyness, and for the most part reserved. For me, this self comes out when I meet people for the first time, when I'm around surface people, or when I feel like I'm being judged. I don't like when my other self comes out. I wish my true self was the only self I carried around. Sometimes it doesn't even need to be a whole group of people that make me change my self. Sometimes, it only takes one person to bring out my other self. I don't like being fake and yet it feels like when my other self comes out it's not genuine. It's not truly me. When I was younger, boys I liked would do this to me. Now, it's certain people.
They say, as you get older, it's a lot harder to find and keep good friends. I've found this to be true over and over again. There are some friends who are friends for a season, and others who stay in your life even after months of not knowing what each other is up to. Those are my true self friends and those are the people I like to surround myself with. The kind of people that no matter what, no matter how long it's been since you've caught up, they continue to make an effort to stay in your life. Yes, we all get busy and life only gets busier as we get older, true self friends call you or send you a text every so often just to say hello or ask how your week went. I don't regret only having a few true self friends and many other self acquaintances. I actually think that's the way it's supposed to be. Your true self friends are supposed to help bring out your transparent self and your other self acquaintances help you work on your other self.
Everyone has two selfs. The first self is the self we feel most comfortable with. The one who can look crazy, act crazy, and has no filter. This is the transparent or true self. We usually put this self on when we're alone or around people we feel most comfortable with. Then, there's the other self. This self has feelings of insecurity, shyness, and for the most part reserved. For me, this self comes out when I meet people for the first time, when I'm around surface people, or when I feel like I'm being judged. I don't like when my other self comes out. I wish my true self was the only self I carried around. Sometimes it doesn't even need to be a whole group of people that make me change my self. Sometimes, it only takes one person to bring out my other self. I don't like being fake and yet it feels like when my other self comes out it's not genuine. It's not truly me. When I was younger, boys I liked would do this to me. Now, it's certain people.
They say, as you get older, it's a lot harder to find and keep good friends. I've found this to be true over and over again. There are some friends who are friends for a season, and others who stay in your life even after months of not knowing what each other is up to. Those are my true self friends and those are the people I like to surround myself with. The kind of people that no matter what, no matter how long it's been since you've caught up, they continue to make an effort to stay in your life. Yes, we all get busy and life only gets busier as we get older, true self friends call you or send you a text every so often just to say hello or ask how your week went. I don't regret only having a few true self friends and many other self acquaintances. I actually think that's the way it's supposed to be. Your true self friends are supposed to help bring out your transparent self and your other self acquaintances help you work on your other self.
Lucky I live Hawaii (LILH) - Graduation in Hawaii
Across the nation students are gearing up for their final exams if they haven't had them already. The semester and year for that matter is coming to the end and for some, it's time to celebrate years of learning with GRADUATION! After all that blood, sweat, and tears it's finally time to have your three seconds of fame and be recognized in front of an entire community. For us living in Hawaii, graduation is a huge celebration. Aunties, uncles, grandparents, friends, and even your parents friend's come to congratulate you on a job well done.
One thing that makes Hawaii graduations different than other places are the mounds of flowers and leis you receive. Regardless if you're from the islands or not, this tradition latches on to you and stays with you. When our students go elsewhere for college and graduate, this tradition also follows them. You can tell who the "Hawaii Kids" are because they're the one's with all the leis. So CONGRATS to all the graduates this year both near and far.
These photos are from my Masters Degree graduation exactly two years ago! Wow, time sure flies!
One thing that makes Hawaii graduations different than other places are the mounds of flowers and leis you receive. Regardless if you're from the islands or not, this tradition latches on to you and stays with you. When our students go elsewhere for college and graduate, this tradition also follows them. You can tell who the "Hawaii Kids" are because they're the one's with all the leis. So CONGRATS to all the graduates this year both near and far.
These photos are from my Masters Degree graduation exactly two years ago! Wow, time sure flies!
Style - Summer Beach Essentials
The temperatures are rising and Memorial Day is just around the corner... You know what that means? Summer is almost here! One of the fabulous things about living in Hawaii is that it's summer almost all year long. We have perfect summer weather. It never gets too hot hear like it can get in other places and our beaches are always about a 10-20 minute drive from anywhere on the island. So, in honor of saying good-bye to spring and hello to summer, here are my summer essential finds.
Items can be purchased at the corresponding links:
Beach Umbrella : Over-sized Hat : Sunglasses : Swimsuit : Beach Bag : Beach Towel : Slippers : Sunsblock
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